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Meditation and Its Benefits 🙏 What is meditation? Ans: Meditation is an activity to calm your mind, body and spirit. It's a mental practice that anyone can do who wishes to do. But there are some specific process to do it with perfection. There are so many good videos on YouTube for meditation. The very first step to start meditation is to sit or lying in a comfortable position in a silent environment. A 15 Minute Guide to Meditation with Embedded Video : A 15 Minute Guided Meditation Script for Practice: 🙏 1. Welcome to this guided meditation 2. Close your eyes if you are comfortable with it. 3. Make you so comfortable either sited or lying down. 4. Take a deep breath in and hold it for 3 seconds, and exhales slowly and fully. 5. Continue to practice the point no. 4 6. Now bring your awareness top of your head and notice the relaxing feeling. As you release tension negativity from your crown. 7. And moving down your face, the back of your head and your shou...
Secrets of Happiness
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Secrets of Happiness Happiness is one of the priceless human Emotion. You need not to pay for your happiness in your life. It's Free! Let's discuss : Happiness starts with the Positive condition or state of mind of a human being. A person may be happy with or without any reason. He may be rich or a poor, may be a Solvent or a Begger. Happiness does not relate with economic status of a person. Many Rich person in this world are unhappy. Have lots of money to spend has no companion, or has not have the physical condition to enjoy life. But a Begger who earn only 2 price is happy. The street performer is happy after not having a home or a Permanent shade to hide his head! How this would be possible? Everything depends upon the mental satisfaction. The more you satisfied the more you happy. This applies almost in every s...
Positivity & Spirituality
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Relationship between Positivity and Spirituality Is this true ? Let's Explain: Positivity refer to the Optimistic thinking process of a human being. On the other hand Spirituality means, feeling or experiencing a natural divine power in a person due to highest quality of Positive thinking. So, these two Concepts are complementary to each other. Only a positive thinking or thought process can lead to spirituality. Its also can define as "Spirituality is the highest from of Positivity!" When a person starts to live a positive life, his/her mind energy attracts positive energies from the universe. Positive energy is a part of Spiritual or super natural divine energy. Slowly slowly he or she becomes spiritual in life. Starts to believing in Super Natural power this is God! also starts to believe in Miracle. One important thing I mus...
Lock Down Opportunities
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Opportunities During Lock Down An Analysis : Yes, this is a contemporary Truth! Lock down has implemented in most of the countries of the world due to COVID 19 (SARS 2), in the year 2020. COVID 19 has a drastic effect on Mankind. Effects are mostly negative. But there is a positive side also. How? Lock Down due to COVID 19 has kept people behind the doors. Most of companies doing "Work from Home". Which provide opportunity to the people, to spend most of the time with their families who generally have no time due to over work load. Home sickness has left! People now exploring their inherent talent like singing, painting, dancing, cooking, blogging, making funny videos in social media etc. People also learning to enjoy his/her own company. Be alone for sometime gives you eminence pleasure. Sons/daughters who us...
Five Rules for Happiness
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Five Rules to Live a Happy Life! First, LOVE YOURSELF! You should start loving yourself immediately. Start to love the way you are. Start to love your identity. Start to be your own companion. Take away from the things that hurts you. Start to know the value of yourself, your existence. 2nd, DO GOOD THINGS! Try to do good things as soon as possible. Think good for everyone. Act good for everyone. Help the needful. Believe and Pray to God. And do everything that is Good! 3rd, ALWAYS FORGIVE! Try to Forgive everyone who hurts you. Forgiveness is one of the greatest quality of human being. It's takes you to a higher stage. You can get blessings directly from God. 4th HARM NO ONE! Try to do no harm to everyone, every living being on this planet. It's quite hard may be, but you CAN! Avoid harming mentally, physically, emotionally and socially to everyone in your life. You will catch more blessings! 5th, BE POSITIVE! This is ...
Positive Turning
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Learning From Life: "One thing we need to learn from life is that getting UPSET will not help. Instead, getting UP to SET the things right will help!" Yeah! That's really a good learning from life. Have you realised that? ☝️ You can realise such good things, only when you're starting to lead or live a positive life. We all become UPSET, many times in our life. We feel that time "Why this heapen with me? No scope for recovery..." That's the time you should turn up your mind and get UP! to SET a goal, that's May be a little goal, but that's positive step lead you to a brighter future! So, train your mind in such a way that to see best in the worst! As UPSET turns into get UP and to SET something positive. So, our day to day life has many things to learn from it. As learning is a life long process! But any pessimist thinking or thinker can never learn from his life. Because he see the worst part in everything. But if he can ...